CATT is the Centre For Alternative Theatre Training. CATT is a non-profit NGO founded and directed by Michael Devine.
CATT is dedicated to providing performance training to actors who wish to augment traditional training in psychological realism and conventional skills with performance tools that are intercultural and which do not rely on spoken text.
CATT Associates are artists who have extensive training and experience in intercultural theatre. Each CATT associate has a particular area of specialization, such as Devised Theatre, Theatre for Social Change, Applied Theatre or Intercultural Theatre. CATT Associates have worked with Michael at CATT Intensives and are bound by CATT’s values and approach to training and performance.
The philosophy of CATT is to take actors, artists and others interested in performance training for any purpose, who are open to new experiences and committed to engaging in an intense week-long event. Prior professional experience is useful but not mandatory.
CATT works to keep costs lower than typical training intensives. A typical CATT Intensive charges approximately $400USD for registration. Accommodation is often facilitated that is cost-effective although this is ultimately the responsibility of the participant. Travel costs to the site vary, depending on where the participant’s point of departure. Each year CATT sponsors at least one scholarship participant.
There can be two or three sessions a day at CATT Intensives, depending on the number of instructors, usually one in the morning and an second later in the afternoon. The number of studio hours varies from 33 to 36. There is usually a free tour of a culturally relevant site provided for CATT participants and a final CATT picnic.