About Us

The Centre for Alternative Theatre Training (CATT) is a not-for-profit theatre organisation founded by Michael Devine in 2009. There are two arms of CATT: CATT Projects, which creates original, intercultural performances using the BoxWhatBox (BWB) system; and CATT Intensives, which focus on intercultural actor training.



Recent Projects

CATT Projects

2004  BoxWhatBox: Family Album     Jyväskylä, Finland, University of Jyväskylä
2005  I Forget                                State Theatre of Serbia—Užice
2006  BoxWhatBox: I Dream            State Theatres of Užice, Kraljevo, Serbia
2006  Aeneas Ghost                        Qendra Multimedia Theatre, Prishtina, Kosova
2006  Aeneas Wounded                   Qendra Multimedia Theatre, Prishtina, Kosova
2007  HAWKS                                 Open Arc Theatre, Tripkova, Serbia
2008  Punch & Judy Murder Love     Municipal Theatre of Prizren, Kosova
2011  BoxWhatBox: Go                   Ideo/Ideis Festival, Alexandria, Romania
2011  Ghost Mountain                    State Theatre of Serbia—Kraljevo
2011  Identity Theft                       Teatro Verrdi, Zadar, Croatia
2014  Project X                              Grupa Grupa, Kraljevo, Serbia
2016  Walls/Stiny                           Odesa International Theatre Festival
2017  Eurydika                              A.N.F.I. Festival, Kraljevo, Serbia
2021  Kontakt                               FLIPT Festival, Fara in Sabina, Italy
2021  Sherif Mounira                      Laban Theatre, Beirut, Lebanon
2023  Ghosts Are Dancing               A.N.F.I. Festival, Kraljevo, Serbia

Catt intensives

2009    Prishtina, Kosova              National Theatre
2010   Galaxidi, Greece                Heritage Centre, Galaxidi
2013   Rome, Italy                       Teatro Orologio
2014   Casperia, Italy                   Villa Forani
2015   Athens, Greece                  TangArt Studio
2016   Rome, Italy                        Teatro Argot
2017   Dublin, Ireland                   The Lab
2018   Amsterdam, Netherlands     Fijnhout Studio
2019   Venice, Italy                       Patronato Salesiani
2021   Fara in Sabina, Italy            Teatro Potlach
2022   Argos, Greece                    Kopodistrias Barracks
2023   Arezzo, Italy                      Spazio Seme



Dr. Michael Devine

Founder & Director

Michael Devine is a Canadian-born theatre artist. Primarily a director and playwright who has also worked extensively as an actor-trainer, dramaturg and essayist, he has worked professionally outside Canada, in more than 20 countries, since 1996. Michael created the BoxWhatBox system in 2004, an internationally recognised performance creation and actor-training system. Michael has used BoxWhatBox to create performances and train actors at state theatres, experimental and independent companies, and in ambient productions on five continents. His books Playing Outside the Lines, a collection of plays, and The BoxWhatBox Book: Acting for the 21st Century have been published by FriesenPress. Michael trained as an actor in London, New York and Toronto. In addition he possesses an MFA in Performance from York University and a PhD in Drama from the University of Toronto. He is a Full Professor at a Canadian university.